The study analysed 423 proposals for forest diversion under India’s Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 from January-December, 2019
13,656.60 hectares of forest land was recommended for diversion for non-forestry uses such as mining, roads, railways, hydel, infrastructure etc.
Out of 423 proposals for forest diversion, only 10 were rejected implying a rejection rate of mere 2.36%
Linear Proposals (roads, railways, transmission lines, pipelines) account for 51.73% of forest land recommended for diversion
Mining accounted for 29.81 % of forest land recommended for diversion
Within Mining, coal mining accounts for 49% of total forest land diverted for mining & more than 80% of coal mining projects fall in dense forest areas and wildlife habitats
Out of 13,656.60 hectares of forest land recommended for diversion, 45% falls in wildlife habitats
Barring Plantation Forests, 58% of forest land recommended for diversion falls under moderately dense and very dense forest
4% of total forest land recommended for diversion is for Non-Site-specific projects such as Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Universities, Waste Treatment Facilities, Ayurvedic Centres etc.
Non-Site-specific projects have been recommended without any justification for their location or if any alternatives are explored.